Spring is one of my favorite seasons. The flowers that are peeking through the ground, the air has a crisp freshness that I L.O.V.E., leaves returning to the trees, the grass turning green again and everything seems so fresh and new. Yesterday I put away all my St. Patty’s Day decor…..and that means time for…
The Luck O’ the Irish
Yes, I know…St. Patrick’s Day is in like 3 days, I just started my blog and so this will be my first project that I am posting. I did my own version of the “xoxo” for Valentine’s Day. I found it at Tatertots and Jello (She has some really cute stuff!) Anyway…I HAD to do…
Starting a new adventure!
Wow! I finally got my blog started! I still have so much to learn and I want to eventually learn how to do it all, like the cute buttons, learning how to link to things you know all that good stuff. Stay tuned for the ADVENTURE! https://stuffmushkiloves.com/feed/