My name is Kirsten. My family calls me Kirst, I am wife to my best friend, Jeremy who is “my dream guy” the kind of boy I dreamed about as a little girl. Together we have four kiddos. Two sweet heavenly angel boys, Morgan and Garett. Jenika, my cute girl, is the oldest and Hunter, my mess making Mr., is the caboose. I love my family fiercely and with everything I am!

I’m a lover of all things good! Whether it is a cupcake heaped with vanilla buttercream frosting and topped with colorful sprinkles, helping someone in need, or giving a compliment or smile to a stranger, these things just make my heart happy! My Grams always said, “Pretty is as Pretty Does” this little quote has stuck with me throughout my life. I believe that everything in life goes full circle and what you give, you will get in return.
I’m a sucker for a sappy movie you know, classic Hallmark predictable one, where the boy gets the girl and they live happily ever after? I am playful, silly and love to laugh! I am also a “crier.” I cry happy tears, mad ones, sad ones and any other “ones” you can imagine! It doesn’t matter, they just flow no matter what! I am a procrastinator a constant work in progress. Maybe one day?

Where in the heck did you come up with name “Mushki?”
Jeremy nicknamed me Mushki (moo-sh-key) when we were 16 years old! It is just a crazy made up name that was given to me by this cute boy…. when I was deciding on a name for my blog. I wanted it to be about all the things I love, and Mushki holds a special place in my heart. Mushki is ME, it’s mine, a name given to me by the love of my life. Here you will find all my loves!
So, come along as I share my family, tried and true recipes, inexpensive D.I.Y’s, decor and more! WELCOME, I’m so glad you’re here!